Candy Florence Morrigan is a UK based artist, living in Worcestershire. She trained in constructed textiles in London and initially worked within the fashion industry creating knitwear design. Now her practise combines varied media on canvas and paper, including machine and hand embroidery, paper-making, drawing, painting, ink work and papercutting. Recent work has seen her exploring themes of grief and motherhood, waiting and transformation. Her work is often autobiographical.
As a founder member of The Midlands Textile Forum she worked as exhibitions and workshop coordinator. A founder member of Bvac also led to her taking part in flash mob exhibitions in Birmingham.
Commissioned work includes a two panel interactive piece produced for The Brewery Arts Centre in Kendall. Projects within schools have also seen the production of 8 large collaborative pieces for schools across Wolverhanpton and a number of plastic fusion/paper pieces for the science and art collaboration BACTERIA.
She has exhibitied across the UK winning prizes in both the Birminghan Institute of Artists open exhibition and also the national art-in-action drawing competition.