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Past Exhibitions

Precious Days

Work exploring themes of motherhood, obsession and protection. Techniques in this body of work include... sewn hand-made paper, wrapped wire work and machine embroidery on soluble fabric to create form.

Mixed Moments

Mixed Moments

Mixed-media machine embroidery on water soluble fabric and hand-made paper.

jane george nestbuilding 2 word detail.JPG

jane george nestbuilding 2 word detail.JPG

jane george nestbuilding 2 central square.JPG

jane george nestbuilding 2 central square.JPG

jane george nestbuilding2 corner detail.JPG

jane george nestbuilding2 corner detail.JPG

jane george the randomness of personality angled detail.JPG

jane george the randomness of personality angled detail.JPG

jane george the randomness of personality egg detail.JPG

jane george the randomness of personality egg detail.JPG

cant help looking both ways.jpg

cant help looking both ways.jpg

Picture 1158.jpg

Picture 1158.jpg

single egg det chlbw.jpg

single egg det chlbw.jpg

3 pieces close.JPG

3 pieces close.JPG

paper detail chlbw.jpg

paper detail chlbw.jpg

gone forever fat army.JPG

gone forever fat army.JPG

ignoring their best attempts.JPG

ignoring their best attempts.JPG

chlbw detail.JPG

chlbw detail.JPG

3 pieces close.JPG

3 pieces close.JPG

3 circle detail itba.JPG

3 circle detail itba.JPG

3 pieces.JPG

3 pieces.JPG

single egg det chlbw.jpg

single egg det chlbw.jpg

empty circle gf.JPG

empty circle gf.JPG

Picture 1161.jpg

Picture 1161.jpg

cant help looking both ways.jpg

cant help looking both ways.jpg





2 EGGS ITBA compressed.JPG

2 EGGS ITBA compressed.JPG

Mixed Moments angled detail

Mixed Moments angled detail

Mixed-media machine embroidery on water soluble fabric and hand-made paper.

Mixed Moments: detail

Mixed Moments: detail

Mixed-media machine embroidery on water soluble fabric and hand-made paper.

Mixed Moments: detail

Mixed Moments: detail

Mixed-media machine embroidery on water soluble fabric and hand-made paper.

Nest Building 1

Nest Building 1

Nest Building 2

Nest Building 2

Nest Building 2: detail

Nest Building 2: detail

Nest Building 2: detail

Nest Building 2: detail

Nest Building 3

Nest Building 3

Nest Building 3: detail

Nest Building 3: detail

The Randomness of Personality

The Randomness of Personality

 Letting Them Go

Letting Them Go

09. Letting Them Go silver egg detail.JPG

09. Letting Them Go silver egg detail.JPG

The Dreamland Tree

The Dreamland Tree

Breaking Cover

Breaking Cover

Connections 1

Connections 1

Mixed-media drawing on canvas

Connections 1: detail

Connections 1: detail

Mixed-media drawing on canvas

Connections 2

Connections 2

Mixed-media drawing on canvas

Connections 3

Connections 3

Mixed-media drawing on canvas

Connections 4: Thoughts of India

Connections 4: Thoughts of India

Mixed-media drawing on canvas with hand-made paper.

Connections 4: detail

Connections 4: detail

Mixed-media drawing on canvas with hand-made paper

Connections 5

Connections 5

Mixed-media drawing on canvas

Connections 6

Connections 6



Gallery view of Connections



gallery view


Connections to our children born and unborn are unique and precious. This body of work is an exploration iinto that connection.

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